Wiley X - Single vision from $200, No-Line Bifocals from $250
Can’t wait to cruise down the road and not worry about your eyewear flying off, jiggling or worse yet causing tears? Wouldn’t it be great to get rid of these nuisances and be able to see with your prescription? Now you can! Wiley XL1 Wrap Sun Glasses fit the shape of your face snuggly giving optimal protection against the elements while drastically improving the quality of your ride.
*Available in your prescription clear, yellow, tinted, polarized and light sensitive.
Airfoils - Single vision from $150, No-line Bifocals from $225
These goggles protect, fit comfortably, and make riding fun.
- Compact black frames combine form and function
*Available in your prescription clear, yellow, tinted, polarized and light sensitive.
Nannini Leather Goggles
- Singlevision from $150, No-line Bifocals from $225
These Old School goggles will have you looking authentic in no time! Made to fit the curve of your face snuggly these goggles can be made to your prescription so you can see your ride in a whole new light.
*Available in your prescription clear, yellow, tinted, polarized and light sensitive
Wrap biker glasses - ALL 3 Single vision from $200!!! WOW!!
Who said looking good and being able to see had to be expensive? Get these three pair of glasses in your prescription in:
- Yellow for low light and foggy weather
- Dark to serve as protection from the sun
Comfortable frames - designed to keep the wind, sun, dust and other unwanted elements OUT of your eyes - combined with your prescription lenses can make riding more safe and fun.
Add the advantage of polarized lenses, you will improve your riding experience. Light adjusting lenses change with the light, so you can wear the same pair of glasses day and night - very convenient for bikers! Or, we can tint you lenses any color you like.
Website designed and hosted by Joan PIllen © 2008
This page was last updated: September 19, 2012
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